Frustration is defined in Webster's New World Dictionary as being blocked or thwarted from doing what you want. This applies to so many aspects of every day life, as well as to major goals. Sometimes we can easily see why we are prevented from having or doing "things", but other times the reason is evasive. The later is where frustration has us pulling our hair out.
This winter has not brought the extreme cold and snow we had last year. Heating bills have reflected this milder season. So you would think the monetary difference would help ease our over all budget, but NO. The money saved on heat has already gone to extra medical expenses and now I need to have some work done on my car. Hopefully, nothing too major, but still it is frustrating.
We are advised to save for the metaphoric "rainy day" that comes to all people. It is raining here in Oregon. I can think of no family member that is not frustrated in at least some aspect of their lives. But where there is frustration, there is also cause for rejoicing. We serve a loving God. He is our ultimate provider and His resources are without end. All we need do is look back on our own history to see how He has taken one frustrating situation after another and carried us through to the other side.
This process sometimes increases our faith. Sometimes it keeps us from veering off on a path of destruction. Sometimes it provides a lesson we will need to navigate life's rapids yet to come. One of the most important lessons being Let Go and Let God. This is not an easy lesson and we often need to learn it over and over again. Don't kick yourself. Just get on your knees and hand both the frustration and the solution over to the only One that can do anything about it, our heavenly father.
I pray that your frustrations will yield positive provisions from above. Please pray for us, as well.
It's been awhile/ this years landscape project
5 years ago