My normal life is full of housework, paying bills, caring for the garden, cooking, laundry, meeting the needs of my family, and etc. That all changed suddenly when I broke my leg and can not move freely within the house, let alone down stairs or outside. There are some things I can still do, like bills, communications (telephone, on-line, and by the web), and suduko. The rest has to be picked up by others, primarily by Richard. He brings me a pan of warm water to wash with each morning, cleans up after me, gets my clean cloths, and helps me to the living room. Then he gives me coffee and cereal for breakfast, makes sure the lap-top and phone are within my reach. At noon he gets me a bite to eat (unless someone brings lunch). Folks from church have provided lunch and some dinners for all but 5 days since I have been home. It has really helped.
When I had to leave the house for my Dr appointment Eric and Sean guy next door) helped me get down the stairs and into the car. When I returned, Dianna and Sean helped me back inside. I am getting stronger though. I can manage to get to the bathroom and bed using Richard's walker. Karen is going to bring another walker so he can have his back. He really needs it himself. Richard has been so very tired from digging out plants to make room for the great wall that he can hardly move.
Diana has been helpful in ways that Richard would have trouble and in overlapping chores. She does the laundry and brings it upstairs for him to fold. She has been taking out the trash and takes care of the watering too. Dianna also heats up leftovers or prepares dinner for us. We are very grateful that she is here.
What does not seem to be getting done is the housework. Floors and dusting are not something Richard can realistically do, Shelley has been out of town and needs to catch up on her own work, and Dianna is just too bushed from working all day and the added chores around here. The place looks like a warehouse due to furniture having to be shuffled to accommodate the door construction. Rick will be down the first weekend after he gets back (about 2 weeks), maybe he will be willing to take that on. In the mean time it is what it is.
My days are becoming a sub-routine of sorts. Time goes so slowly by, but I am in very little pain unless I try to do something foolish. The upside is that I am getting a lot of rest, unfortunately it only adds to the work load of others. I am sooo very sorry for that. But it does make me even more grateful for all those abilities I have taken for granted in the past. It is all quite humbling.
It's been awhile/ this years landscape project
5 years ago