Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

There was more than frost on these pumpkins. We got about an inch of snow on Monday night. The temperature was in the 20s.
With it came the need to scrape windows and de-ice the steps and ramp. But only a little snow stayed around for Thanksgiving. It is warmer too, in the 30s.

Thanksgiving came with all it's color, enticing smells, and flavors. Just not all the quantity of years gone by (No bread or pie). Both good and good for us.

Turkey (no dressing)
Mashed potatoes and gravy (made with corn starch)
Baked winter squash
Fresh broccoli
Cranberry sauce
Black olives
Sparkling cider

No gluten and we really didn't miss it. We will have pumpkin soup for dinner and some pineapple sherbet for desert. All very satisfying. A meal for two, with leftovers for a couple more meals. The Lord has truly blessed us this year. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.