Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today marks an anniversary, of sorts. Not something to celebrate by any means. But still an event that marks a huge change in not only my life, but the lives of my family. It was one year ago today that I fell, crushing my leg and gashing my head on a landscape rock. The months that followed really brought home the fact that we all need each other. Today I would like to again recognize and thank all those who contributed to my recovery from that devistating fall. You know who you are. You are angels in disguise.

A year ago I faced months of dependancy on others for provision of food, drink or medication, for moving even from my bed to the portable pot. Someone even had to bring a basin for me to wash in. If you have not experienced being totally dependent, let me tell you, it is very humbling. It is an experience that changes, or at least brings home the need for connectivity.

How easy it is to intelectually acknowledge that someone is in need and then go on with our busy lives. Stop right there. Acknowledgement without action is not acceptible. Remember the story of the good Samaritan? He not only gave funds to help someone in need. In fact giving funds was far from the top of a long list of actions taken. First he recognized a need. Then he took time, interupting what was probably a busy schedule. After that he personally provided physical assistance. Only then did he make sure that the man had continuing care by providing monitary help. And all this was for someone he didn't even know. There are many lessons to be learned by this story. Many lessons demonstrated by my experience. For I was in effect, the man robbed and left to die on the road. God provide not just one, but many good Samaritans to help me recover. Again, thank you.

If anything is to be celebrated today, it is that I am so very blessed with family, friends, neighbors and even strangers who have stepped up and demonstrated a hands on willingness to help in my time of need. You have learned the lesson of the good Samaritan well. I praise God for all of you.


  1. I hope you can leave that year behind you and move forward into many good years of free movement. We do need each other. But it is way better to be the one that gives then the one that needs.
