Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I sit here in the living room, laptop on my my lap. I have so may frustrations, yet so many people have and continue to contribute to my/our well being. Richard is taking good care of me to the best of his ability, but dependence on others does not set easy on my shoulders. It is both frustrating and humbling. Add to that the fact that neither of us has the capability of carrying anything with bulk, we are more or less dependent on the willingness of others to accomplish such things as laundry, taking out trash, and moving things from one location to anotherIt does not help that some of our family has been insensitive, pushing for us to make major changes in our lives at a time when we are under so much stress and we are beginning to feel "kept"/ dependant on the whim of others for so many things. It is a fact of life in this day and age that calendars are more often than not filled to overflowing. So adding on time to spend with us is a strain and often leads to misunderstandings and a feeling of being "put upon".

In former times, it was common to have several generations living together and each generation doing what they were capable of/ taking care of one another. This is no longer the case and I don't think modern arrangements are necessarily wrong, but it sure would be easier. Yes, Dianna lives with us, but she works and is worn out when she gets home. Shelley is at home most of the time, but she has so much on her plate that we rarely see her. Do we complain, yes. Do we none the less understand, yes. Are we frustrated, yes we are. Please forgive us if we are short or complain. We will get through this trial. We are far from perfect.

1 comment:

  1. It's a really hard place to be in. I'm sure it would be hard on any of us! I'm so sorry I'm not there to help. It must seem like you are watching the grass grow...but get your rest and just get better Try not to do too much. You don't need to do much, get better.
