Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Life's Little Adjustments

I took Richard to the Dr. yesterday for his annual physical. We both anticipated there would be "things" that needed to change. For one thing, several previous visits the Dr. had been talking about the possible need to go on insulin. We had struggled to bring down Richard's A1C (long term sugar) to no avail. In times past this had been accomplished by restricting carbohidrate intake and timing of when he ate, but this time it just hasn't worked. His A1C is still well above 8.0. So this morning I gave him his first shot. It went well, but the dosage will probably need to be adjusted every few weeks until they reach a stable level.

Secondly, both his viamin D and B-12 are extremely low. The Dr. prescribed a loading dose of D and daily intake of 2000mg and 1000mg of B-12. More pills on top of the ton he already takes. I am not sure the VA will cover all of this, but I am hoping. These things can get expensive.

We also made a change in the company that provides supplies for Richard's C-pap. He has an appointment on Friday to get a new mask and filters for his machine. We made the appointment for after July 1st because we have also changed Richard's supplimentary medical insurance. This new plan (N) will require an initial $155 for the first Dr. visit and a $20 co-pay for each subsequent visit. But everything else stays the same as Plan F and the monthly premium is only $70 a month instead of the $240 a month for his old plan. Change can be good.

I have been walking (for exercise) for a week now and it feels so good. My morning routine is to get dressed, have a single cup of coffee, walk a 1/4 mile (I power walk-took a class many years ago), fix breakfast, clean up, watch GMA (part of it), check the Blogs and E-mail, then outside for a couple hours work. I am out of here.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear your exercising that will strengthen your legs, and give you energy as well as vitamin D.
    Hope the VA will cover the new stuff.

    This place keeps me exercising all day. It's a full time job just to keep up with it.
